biomedicina slovenica


  1. Bešić Nikola; Vidergar-Kralj Barbara; Zaletel Katja; Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka
    Graves disease and metastatic hormonal-active Hürthle cell thyroid cancer
  2. Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša; Zaletel Katja; Lenasi Helena
    Vpliv hipertiroze na mikrocirkulacijo kože pri bolnikih z bazedovko
  3. Lenasi Helena; Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša; Zaletel Katja; Gaberšček Simona
    Skin microcirculation and intrathyroid arteries in women with graves disease
  4. Glogovšek Martin; Topalovič Mitja; Puklavec Ludvik
    Avtoimunske bolezni ščitnice - prikaz primerov
    [Autoimmune thyroid disorders - case reports]
  5. Grabnar Iztok; Pirnat Edvard; Tomše Petra; Stopar Tanja; Mrhar Aleš; Hojker Sergej
    Population pharmacokinetic modelling of radioiodine turnover in patients with graves disease
  6. Biček A; Krhin B; Hojker S
    Functional variant of the PTPN22 gene associated with Graves disease predisposition in Slovenian population
  7. Kocjan T; Zaletel K; Gaberšček S; Hojker S; Preželj J
    Bone mineral density in premenopausal females with newly diagnosed graves disease
  8. Topalovič Mitja; Puklavec Ludvik; Glogovšek Martin
    Avtoimunska hipertiroza ali bazedovka - primer hipotetične bolnice
    [Autoimmune hyperthyreosis of Graves disease - case report of hypothetic female patient]
  9. Žagar Ivana; Eschmann Susanne M; Dohmen Bernhard M; Thelen Marcel; Reischel Georg; Lietzenmayer Roland; Kupferschlaeger Joerg; Machulla Hans Juergen; Bares Ronald
    Pozitronska emisiona tomografija (PET) štitaste žlezde pomoću 124-I u bolesnika sa hipertireozom lečenih radioaktivnim 131-I - dozimetrijska merenja
  10. Molnar-Novak Helena; Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša
    Agranulocitoza in hepatitis po metimazolu pri bolnici z bazedovko, ki je nastala po terapiji z radiojodom
    [Methimazole induced agranulocitosis and hepatitis in patient with Graves disease appeared after radioiodine treatment]
  11. Bratanič Nevenka; Maroša-Meolič Marjeta; Hočevar Nives; Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Uršič-Bratina Nataša; Kržišnik Ciril; Battelino Tadej
    Zdravljenje avtoimune hipertiroze pri otrocih in mladostnikih - izkušnje zadnjih 10 let Kliničnega oddelka za endokrinologijo, diabetes in presnovne bolezni Pediatrične klinike v Ljubljani
    [Management of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents - ten years experience]
  12. Zaletel Katja; Hojker Sergej
    Jodni deficit u Sloveniji
  13. Gaberšček Simona; Hojker Sergej
    Vpliv kajenja na ščitnico
    [Influence of cigarette smoking on thyoid gland]
  14. Budihna N; Pavlin K; Porenta M
    Concentration of TSH-receptor antibodies (TBII) in the sera of patients with immunogenic hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) receiving antithyroid medication

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